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My PCT with Purpose shirt is still going strong. I have gone through 5 pairs of shoes and only 2 shirts! |
While it has taken most of the trip to go through California, it took only 16 days to go through Oregon! Of course part of it was that I didn't have my trail legs yet, but most importantly was the number of miles we had to go through to get to Oregon. From the start of the trail to when we crossed the Oregon border we hiked over 1,700 miles. The remaining 1,000 miles are split between WA and Oregon. Oregon's flat forrest was ideal for us to pick up our mileage and we were easily clocking in the mid 30's for most of the days. Oregon has been a beautiful part of the trail. I loved the Three Sisters wilderness area. It is a section of Oregon just north of the Bend area.
The trail in Oregon has been a mixture of plains, mountain peaks and valleys resembling a mini-Sierra with the peaks of Mt. Jefferson, Mt Hood and Mt. Washington to explore. The lava rock fields and the amazing waterfalls gave us a glimpse of the different types of terrain and ecosystem that Oregon has to offer. The most iconic trek we made has to be through the Eagle Creek Falls area which took us into Cascade Locks. Cascade Locks was the final town in Oregon that we resupplied before crossing the Bridge of the Gods and entering into Washington State.
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Eagle Creek Falls area. You hike through the tunnel and under the waterfall. |
After many days of speed hiking, Alex and I were able to catch up with two other hiking partners that were formally with us. Pancakes and Nightrider had not been with us at all in Oregon so it was good to regroup and start hiking together again.
Crossing over into Washington we saw a dramatic change in the weather. It seemed that overnight summer was over and so was the dry spell. We hadn't seen a lot of rain for the last two months. That was about to end and we went through a stretch of nonstop rain for 48 hours. Luck was on my side this time, however, because I had just picked up my resupply package with my raingear in it. Not only did I have my rain kilt, I also had the replacement hiking umbrella to help keep the rain off me and my belongings. The temperatures took a dramatic dive. It was much colder and everything was still wet when we got up at 6am. Instead of being dreary and gray like we expected, however, the skies would open up and we get the glimpse of the beautiful sunrises and sunsets that can be seen in Washington.
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Majestic peaks on all sides. |
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It's time to celebrate - 2000 Miles of hiking! |
I am really looking forward to being able to spend time with the Wills, Leptich, and Toft family's while in Washington. Since we live in Ohio we don't get to see my relatives on this side of the country very often. My great-grandmother lives in Sequim and I plan to see her when I get off the trail. She is a young 94 years old! My grandfather, Rusty and the rest of the relatives live in and around the Seattle area.
Since the last post I hit the 2,000 mile marker!!!!
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Peaceful and lush forests of WA and northern OR are amazing. |
Washington has already allowed me the chance to see beautiful scenery. Everything is green and lush from the rains. It looks as though it is painted instead of real. As far as your eye can see there is some type of beautiful greenery on the forest floor - like ferns, rhododendron or other plants. The misty weather provides the perfect conditions for all kinds of ferns and flowers. During one span of the hike I was able to go across the Goat Rocks Wilderness and the famous Knives Edge section. It was a foggy day with low visibility but it has been one of my favorite spots and I would love to come back again. I was hiking along a lush mountain valley and could briefly see Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier and Mt. St Helens all in the same day. The towering peaks can been seen in all directions.
As we were hiking we approached a thick fog that brought us almost into a total white-out like condition. The resulting experience made me feel like the place was out of a fairy tale or the foothills of Ireland.
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Goat Rocks is a place I would like to go back to in the future. |
A crowd of hikers soon gathered at the shelter for the home-cooked meal, night of swapping stories, and the campfire. It was refreshing to be around so many other hikers and the firefighters. I hadn't seen that many hikers since early on in the trip. The evening was a reminder that I need to slow down and enjoy impromptu moments as they occur along the way.
Not everything in WA has been great. A few nights ago we picked what turned out to be a bad spot to set up camp. I woke up to a huge rat right beside my head. There was more than one of them so in the middle of the night, we got our things together and headed out to another site to get away from them. It was not the kind of thing you want waking you up in the middle of the night. I am thankful we got away without them biting me or anyone else.
Our gang soon welcomed another hiker we had met earlier called"Chief" when we got to Snoqualmie. Chief had to exit the trail due to a foot injury and after months of trying to heal he had to stop hiking. The crew and I had a great time catching up with Chief and he decided to join us for a side hike to the Hot Springs area.
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It is hard to believe that I only have 13 days left on the trail. It has been an unbelievable life experience!
In a few weeks I will be finding myself at the northern terminus! Not ever being on a thru hike before I was not remotely aware of the challenges that I would face. Today for example, I have planned to hike up 7,000 feet in 15 miles! I would have never thought that I could hike that incline in the past. In the Mt. Shasta area it was even more steep, we hiked over 9,000 ft in just 3 miles! There were some parts of the trail that I was literally pulling myself up on my hands and knees because of the incline. So far we have been able to push through and make it up the inclines without trouble. From looking at the map ahead, we are going to have huge elevation changes and we will have to watch out for the weather as well.
Great news! My dad is going to meet me at the end of the trail. It was our goal to hike a part of the PCT together and when his mCRC battle made that impossible, we set a new goal for him to meet me there! I am thankful that he is healthy enough to fulfill that goal.
I am grateful that through the partnership with the Colon Cancer Alliance more than $5000 will go toward the research for colon cancer. With more and more people contributing to research we should see a huge breakthrough in the fight against cancer soon. My father's cancer clinic is writing a story combining my dad's cancer battle with my PCT with Purpose hike. I am not sure if it will be on a website or a magazine. I am happy that they chose to highlight my dad. When I find out more about it, I will try to post it here. If you would like to join our fundraising efforts for research please choose this link for the PCTWithPurpose GoFundMe page. It is not too late to join us especially since the donations are matched!
Thank you all for your continued support! God has protected me so far on this trip and I am prayerful that he will keep me healthy till the end.
Answered prayer for the day: Just after I finished typing the blog, I got an email with an invitation for an interview for medical school! That is such an answer to prayer! They originally wanted me to interview before I got off the trail and I was able to call them and it was ok to come a few weeks later.
I am excited about the path that lies before. This journey has made me realize that I am a lot stronger than I originally thought. It has been refreshing for the soul and one I will take with me to the next adventure in life.
Answered prayer for the day: Just after I finished typing the blog, I got an email with an invitation for an interview for medical school! That is such an answer to prayer! They originally wanted me to interview before I got off the trail and I was able to call them and it was ok to come a few weeks later.
I am excited about the path that lies before. This journey has made me realize that I am a lot stronger than I originally thought. It has been refreshing for the soul and one I will take with me to the next adventure in life.
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Chilling out and admiring God's handiwork. |
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Washington has lots of mountains that are spectacular and difficult to climb. |
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Crater Lake from a few weeks back when I had the migraine headache. |