I have hiked 400 Miles! I can't believe it. Thank you for supporting PCT with Purpose! You can help win the fight against colon cancer by contributing with others as I hike. Thanks to you, I have raised over $1,500! I am so humbled at those of you that have joined in to help. You can donate here
400 miles in my PCT with Purpose shirt and it's still going strong! |
So far, the desert section of California has been better than my expectations. We were blessed to not have 100 degree days which has enabled me to get more used to being a thru hiker without battling the weather as well. I know I have said the trail has been beautiful, but the people I have met have far exceeded my expectations. I wasn't sure how hikers would be received since most of us are dirty, smelly, and look homeless. I have found that many residents, campers, and day hikers are intrigued by our story and welcome us into their campsite.

A perfect example, is a chance encounter I had with Boo. After taking a road walk detour I got turned around in a campground that was along the trail. Trail Angel Boo welcomed me to join him and his friend for dinner. After having a steak dinner, filling all my water containers, Boo turned me around and pointed me back into the right direction. I would have found my way back eventually, but Boo made it easier and the meal and stories were a welcome experience. Boo told me that last year, he ran into a hiker that severely needed a new pair of shoes so he took the shoes off his own feet and gave them to the hiker. What a trail angel! Boo, thanks for the food and fellowship! I am sure that there are lots of stories that can be told by PCT hikers of how the community has welcomed and cared for those of us crazy enough to attempt this journey.

Today we entered the main poodle dog brush area and it was heavily concentrated on the trail. Poodle dog gives you a horrible rash that can last for weeks and it is more severe than poison ivy. You want to avoid it at all costs.
The next day was my biggest hiking day so far on the trail. I hiked 27 miles for the day!! We wanted to get as close to the KOA at Acton as possible to maximize our timer there and to rest, shower, do laundry, and take advantage of the awesome shade they had under a gazebo. The next couple of days we will be trail angel hopping across the desert before we enter the real desert - the Mojave.
We will probably slow down our pace and to hike in the early morning and then in the evening because the temperatures there are supposed to be around 116 degrees. Another reason to take a slower path is that beyond the desert there is SNOW! That is right. The hikers ahead of us have been having a lot of trouble with the snow and ice. Some are waiting it out along the trail and have been doing that for the last two weeks. Slowing our pace down, will allow some more of the snow to melt. We will go from not very much water at all to having to be careful crossing the streams because of the amount of snow melt that is finding its way into the water system.
Camp setup on the side of a mountain. My tent is the red MSR one. |
Some one got airlifted out of the area by helicopter yesterday. It was 95 degree day and they should have been more careful about the timing on when they were hiking. The heat can get to you very quickly. Not having enough water or taking breaks will mean heat exhaustion. We are trying to hike in the early morning hours, take a break during the heat of the day and then hike again in the evening.
Examples of notes or signs from trail angels. |
View from on top of the clouds! |
Along the trail Station Fire. |
My final destination for Tuesday was a trail angel's house where we camped out and I picked up a resupply. I have asked my mom to send me some Main Street Sweets treats from back home. She promised to do that after we get through the desert section but I am craving those chocolates, candy and popcorn that Mrs. Vickie Larcomb creates. Here is the camping setup at Hiker Heaven. Thanks for reading the blog. I encourage you to continue to give to my PCT with Purpose Fundraiser. More and more younger people are getting colon cancer also, so please get your checkups! If you have a relative that has had colon cancer you need to get screened at the age of 40 instead of 50.
Hiker Heaven camping out. |
Things you do on the trail to entertain yourself! Over the edge. |
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